Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “podman”
Aspire, Podman in windows
REM download REM unzip it to C:\DIM\podman-remote-release-windows_amd64 SET PODMAN_HOME=C:\DIM\podman-remote-release-windows_amd64\podman-5.2.5 set PATH=%PATH%;%PODMAN_HOME%\usr\bin podman machine init podman machine start set DOTNET_ASPIRE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME=podman Get podman desktop from
Speed up postgresql container without initing everytime
A newly created postgresql container will do a following steps. They are quite time consuming in integration testing and add some unpredictable factor. If a integration testing will clean up tables and data, volumes can be used to speed up postgresql container.
pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start
stop postgresql and start again
There might be one issue, do I need to maintain the same credential?