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Building Immutable Infrastructure Without Containers
Immutable infrastructure is a concept that has revolutionized the way we think about deploying and maintaining systems. It ensures that once an instance of infrastructure is created, it is never modified. Instead, any changes require the creation of a new instance. This approach enhances consistency, reduces configuration drift, and simplifies rollback processes. While immutable infrastructure is often associated with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and containers, it’s entirely possible—and sometimes necessary—to implement it with Virtual Machines (VMs) instead of containers.
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Aspire, Podman in windows
REM download REM unzip it to C:\DIM\podman-remote-release-windows_amd64 SET PODMAN_HOME=C:\DIM\podman-remote-release-windows_amd64\podman-5.2.5 set PATH=%PATH%;%PODMAN_HOME%\usr\bin podman machine init podman machine start set DOTNET_ASPIRE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME=podman Get podman desktop from
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Speed up postgresql container without initing everytime
A newly created postgresql container will do a following steps. They are quite time consuming in integration testing and add some unpredictable factor. If a integration testing will clean up tables and data, volumes can be used to speed up postgresql container.
pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start
stop postgresql and start again
There might be one issue, do I need to maintain the same credential?
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