Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “github-action”
Speeding Up DevSecOps: Rethinking the Shift-Left Approach
Introduction In the world of modern software development, Shift-Left Security and DevSecOps have become de facto practices. The idea is simple: security should not be an afterthought but rather an integral part of the development lifecycle, starting as early as possible. While these practices strengthen security and compliance, they often introduce additional steps that can slow down the development pipeline. This raises an important question: Is there a way to speed things up without sacrificing security?
I shared one of CICD I designed and implemented in linkedin. It is good to keep here as well. I researched several options and put my thought at Reflection on implementation of CICD using argo-workflows
Nowadays, argo-workflows is quite mature. I will use argo-workflows for CI part in my future projects. It is definitely worth to invest one’s time on argo-workflow as it is widely used.
Configure action runner in eks+calico environment
Last week I setup our staging kubernetes environment, however the once worked version of runnerset yaml configuration didn’t work. I tried different combination of controller and summerwind/actions-runner-dind image, fully customized template portion with RUNNER_xxx arguments. I still got "Http response code: NotFound from 'POST'" for every combination of those combinations in the logs of runner pods. I thought RunnerDeployment is stateless and less complex than RunnerSet. I gave it a try.