Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “aws”
DynamoDB predictable performance
I am passionate about technological details and how things work under the hood. Recently I didn’t get confirmative answers from AWS. I spent a half day to re-read the famous paper. and the new one Amazon DynamoDB: A Scalable, Predictably Performant, and Fully Managed NoSQL Database Service. I think the following several concepts can be helpful to under its predictable performance.
Consistent Hashing and zero hop DHT Storage node and 10G partition Typical flow of putItem I also put all of the three pictures into a slides and put refereneres at the last slides.
SaaS, token bucket, fairness and business practices
I always thought SaaS are based shardig, load balance and multiple-tenant. In the past several days, I re-read Dynamo and DynamoDB papers to figure out some key info to share with my colleages to find a common ground about DynamoDB. One thing is mentioned many times in DynamoDB is token-bucket. Suddenly a thought popped out my mind when I walked back after lunch with my colleague that token-bucket algorithm should be a component of SaaS and multiple-tenant.
Run athena and pyspark locally
Best practice or "aws configure" will put ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials in the 600 mode. however if you follow Developing using a Docker image, you will get several errors e.g. cant' find region, reach endpoints, or no access to resources.
I run docker command as a normal user, docker daemon run as root user. The below scripts will run a docker image which default user is glue_user (10000). the mounted volume ~/.
Data modeling of FHIR searchindices in AWS dynamoDB
Microsoft FHIR Server serialize searchindices this way in cosmosdb. How to model it in AWS DynamoDB?
{ "id": "9240cda7-bbb7-4ad4-aa9f-971750a3dc71", "searchIndices": [ { "p": "_id", "c": "9240cda7-bbb7-4ad4-aa9f-971750a3dc71" }, { "p": "_lastUpdated", "st": "2018-08-22T23:37:56.1289012+00:00", "et": "2018-08-22T23:37:56.1289012+00:00" }, { "p": "patient", "r": "Patient/example" }, { "p": "performer", "r": "Practitioner/example" }, { "p": "related", "r_0": "Observation/example-genetics-1", "s_1": "", "c_1": "derived-from" }, { "p": "related-target", "r": "Observation/example-genetics-1" }, { "p": "related-type", "s": "", "c": "derived-from" }, { "p": "status", "s": "http://hl7.
How many years of experience do I have on aws services now?
Usually I tell others that I have about 5 years experience of aws services. Today I want to know more about how many years experience I have. I logged in my aws account and tried to find my account creation date. There is no such information in account page. I was so eager to find the information and searched for alternative way to get that information. The easiest way is good one, however I already deleted the email.
Istio troubleshooting in new scenario that one service to expose into multiple domains and multiple ingress gateways
Since my first time to configure istio with proxy protocol supports in aws, istio and envoyproxy changed a lot. In the past several days, I was exposed to a different scenario that one service to expose into multiple domains.
Things are getting not straighforward, I struggled to make it success yesterday. Today another layer of complexity was added into my cluster: an extra ingressgateway for some services.
For multiple ingress gateways, I followed this article, however my setup is more complex than that.
Make a S3 bucket public
Turn off "Block public access (bucket settings)" Access control list (ACL): give Everyone (public access) object lists and bucket ACL read. Policy Policy to attach to a role, so the role can be used to upload resources and put the ACL on the uploaded objects.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:ListBucket", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::demo" }, { "Sid": "VisualEditor1", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::demo/*" }, { "Sid": "VisualEditor2", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:ListBucket", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::demo-public" }, { "Sid": "VisualEditor3", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:PutObjectAcl" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::demo-public/*" } ] } Uploading command line bash scripts aws s3 sync --acl public-read local-dir/ s3://demo-public/test/ C# source code using (var client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.
Create another user and grant proper permissions in aws rds mysql
When I tried to create an user for application instead of giving out the master user and its password. I got "Error Code: 1045. Access denied for user 'mysqladmin'@'%' (using password: YES)" when I run "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON demodb.* TO 'appadmin'@'%';".
I tried the method in How do I create another master user for my Amazon RDS DB instance that is running MySQL?, it is for creating another master user with more permissions than an app db user.
Resize Pod volumes in eks
I did resize volume of kubernetes in the past, however I encountered an interesting issue when I did the resizing in different way.
According to doc, I should only change the requested size in pvc. Today I changed the size of pv first, then pvc. Here was the interesting thing: all things of pv and pvc are fine, but the size of the file system in pod was not changed.
Get back my missed keypair of EKS
Today I needed to scale one of my kubernetes clusterss. Those keys are not in my new laptop since I used Mac Air M1. I didn’t see the increase of nodes several minutes after I run the eksctl scale command. I logged into aws console and found there were several "Failed" messages in activity history of the autoscaling group. All the failed messages shown "Launching a new EC2 instance. Status Reason: The aaaa-nodegroup-ng-1-67:8e:b8:8e:33:83:93:68 key pair does not exist.
Setup dapr on AWS and calico
Low resource usage Our system had low resource usage, however my several pods got stucked in ContainerCreating state. Kubernetes events show that "add cmd: failed to assign an IP address to container". "kubectl top nodes" still shows the usage of resources still low.
jackl@LAPTOP-IIHUF2DR:~$ k --context top nodes NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY% ip-192-168-102-109.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal 143m 7% 3217Mi 45% ip-192-168-110-171.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal 117m 6% 2892Mi 41% Migrate to calico Recreate cluster without nodegroups