Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “action-runner”
github, action-runner, argo-cd: my cicd pipelines
Usually I explain one of my CICD pipeline to others with words such like github action + argo-cd. I am not sure if they understand it. A picture is worth a thousand words. Here is my CICD pipeline picture.
I used excalidraw to draw the diagram. Excalidraw link is,gotb3rzXtE8ux810NoK18A. Feel free to use it.
Configure action runner in eks+calico environment
Last week I setup our staging kubernetes environment, however the once worked version of runnerset yaml configuration didn’t work. I tried different combination of controller and summerwind/actions-runner-dind image, fully customized template portion with RUNNER_xxx arguments. I still got "Http response code: NotFound from 'POST'" for every combination of those combinations in the logs of runner pods. I thought RunnerDeployment is stateless and less complex than RunnerSet. I gave it a try.