cloud migrations, cloud differences
AWS has almost established themselves as the de facto public cloud provider for a lot of businesses, other providers always try to provide similiar services and similar APIs to attract existing AWS customers to migrate to their platform. Each following provider provides similar comparison table comparing to AWS. Those comparison can give one a quick start to adopt their services without major issues. Even those following providers provide migration tools for migrating from aws to their platform.
Leadership book reading 1
Long ago, I wanted to learn something about technology leaderships, however I didn’t know how to do it. One or two months ago I found Will Larson’s book "An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management" which recommended by others and today I found another books Best Books for Leaders in Tech: theWaydev Selection. It’s time to put the ideas into action since I already completed a big milestone of learning English.
Reduce the chance of resource conflict in gitops
Summary: Reduce the chance of resource conflict in gitops by reducing the time window of using shared resource files
My initial journal with gitops was setup my gitops cicd pipeline following the flux tutorial way. I immediately found out the limitation of flux at that time and sought alternative solutions. After comparing different solutions, I settled down argo-cd.
After a short while usage of argo-cd, I moved configration yamls and kustomization.
Playbook: etcd debugging
etcd debugging flowchart, copy the flowchat from “Stories from the Playbook” for easy reference and put here to make it searchable in my site.
flowchart TD oversized{MVCC DB oversized}--|Yes|logIntoContainer(log into container) logIntoContainer -- checkSize(check size of db) checkSize -- compatOrDefrag(compat or defrag) compatOrDefrag -- resizeDisk(resize machine disk) resizeDisk -- triggerRepair(Trigger repair) triggerRepair -- END oversized --|No|crashLoop{crash looping} crashLoop --|Yes| moreTime2Init(allow etc more time to init) moreTime2Init -- upgradeVersion(upgrade version) upgradeVersion -- resizeDisk crashLoop --|No| leaderElectionIssue{Leader Election Issue?
Lessons learnt after two years usage of cert-manager
Yesterday I spent one or two hours to resolve a pending order issue. I encountered the issue before when I configured cert-manager with ACME. However after a short while detour to flutter(ios,android) development, I couldn’t quickly locate the root causes. This made me think that it is better off to note down the lessons I leant here.
DNS01 vs HTTP01 HTTP01 is quite easy to setup for one domain name.
working solution: locale change using device_preview and GetMaterialApp.router
I can make it works when using device_preview and getx GetMaterialApp. GetMaterialApp can perfectly works with device_preview on many things such as size, orientation etc. GetMaterialApp.router is not the case. I found that locale changes in device_preview can’t propagate to GetMaterialApp.router.
I raised a issue, however getx has a bad reputation on fixing issues. I can’t wait so long and I sought other options. Things I tried was to use GetMaterialApp, however always to get several errors.
Terraform advantages over cloudformation or ARM tempaltes
Terraform site gives several use cases and comparison with other IaC langauges. I think there are few things of terraform that stand out when comparing it with other tools such as cloudformation, ARM tempaltes IaC languages.
multi-cloud deployment When you only use one cloud-provider’s solution to do IaC and things get in your way, you will have hard time to migrate to other providers as you already invested heavily into one provider.
Integrate device_preview, bot_toast and getx
void main() => runApp( DevicePreview( enabled: !kReleaseMode, builder: (context) => MyApp(), // Wrap your app ), ); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { final botToastBuilder = BotToastInit(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return GetMaterialApp.router( useInheritedMediaQuery: true, locale: DevicePreview.locale(context), builder: (context, child) { child = DevicePreview.appBuilder(context, child); child = botToastBuilder(context, child); return child; }, theme: ThemeData.light(), darkTheme: ThemeData.dark(), home: const HomePage(), ); } } Reference:
Spring devtools in action
I thought it was every easy to setup and use it using STS and gradle. The actual story is not so. I changed my settings followed Developing with Spring Boot and some suggestions here in stackoverflow, however liveload and autorestart don’t work.
After several rounds of trial, I noticed spring boot dashboard. I start my application from there, liveload and autorestart work now.
some packages cannot be resolved in eclipse with gradle projects
In the past two days, I always got the errors "packages cannot be resolved" in eclipse with gradle projects. Initial I encountered the issue, I desperately wanted to resolved the issue. I tried several ways to do that by using solutions from web, however I didn’t get my issue resolved. Due to time constraint, I went back to the old mvn way to do the project. Today I have sometime to revisit the issue now.