filter data conditionally using power-query
2 days ago, I didn’t figure out how to filter out data using power-query. I used a workaround solution to achive the same goal. Yesteray I occasionally found that I can filter out data directly without using my workaround solutions.
Table.SelectRows( Table.FromRecords({ [CustomerID = 1, Name = "Bob", Phone = "123-4567"], [CustomerID = 2, Name = "Jim", Phone = "987-6543"], [CustomerID = 3, Name = "Paul", Phone = "543-7890"], [CustomerID = 4, Name = "Ringo", Phone = "232-1550"] }), each ( [CustomerID] > 2 and Text.
Subdomain or path for dev/stage/uat environments
In my previous two companies, everytime I used the subdomain way without thinking much about this. Recently I wondered the rational behind this decisions. I had the clear answers two days ago. Today I have the time to put it into this writing.
subdomain reasons
path (
path reasons
server side performance
dns records point to differnent IP.
Leader election in Kubernetes control plane
Leader election in Kubernetes control plane - #HeptioProTip give a way how to find out leaders of Kubernetes control plane components kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager. However it was based on a old version of kubernetes, and the mechanism is changed in later versions. Today I was asked how to find the leaders. Here is the new way to find.
$ kubectl -n kube-system get lease NAME HOLDER AGE kube-apiserver-c4vwjftbvpc5os2vvzle4qg27a kube-apiserver-c4vwjftbvpc5os2vvzle4qg27a_b187371d-e48c-4216-8228-707a0ecf6100 2m57s kube-apiserver-dz2dqprdpsgnm756t5rnov7yka kube-apiserver-dz2dqprdpsgnm756t5rnov7yka_0b531f66-0c31-453c-9277-a6c1aa81da94 86s kube-apiserver-fyloo45sdenffw2ugwaz3likua kube-apiserver-fyloo45sdenffw2ugwaz3likua_3e322f9a-9724-4e3a-9fc6-a512e9424164 2m11s kube-controller-manager kind-control-plane_bec39b96-87c4-4bce-8775-2eeb4eb4c1e8 2m53s kube-scheduler kind-control-plane_db6f36d8-ceaa-40eb-b821-75f8ae829f22 2m53s $ kubectl -n kube-system get pods -l component=kube-controller-manager,tier=control-plane \ -o custom-columns=NAME:.
Istio Canary Deployments using flagger
Progressive delivery: Istio Canary Deployments using flagger.
Steps environment:
Istio 1.17.0
helm # need to install metrics-server, HPA depends on metrics-server kubectl apply -f # command: # - /metrics-server # - --kubelet-insecure-tls istioctl manifest install --set profile=default kubectl apply -f helm repo add flagger kubectl apply -f helm upgrade -i flagger flagger/flagger \ --namespace=istio-system \ --set crd.
Learning experiences among datadog, dynatrace, newrelic
Last week and this week, I completed my basic learning of APMs as a tool of SRE. I learnt fundamentals of datadog and newrelic, walked through their tutorials in last week and this week. I don’t find a easy way to learn dynatrace from its site. The whole learning experiences between datadog and newrelic are on par with each other. What’s the deal breaker when making choices among them?
Leader Feature flags intergration During a discussion about progressive delivery using flagger, I was curious if it is possible to integrate feature flags and APM.
What's pod sandbox
The explanation of pod sandbox at the abstraction that replaces the "pause" container that is used to keep namespaces open in every Kubernetes pod today. I doubted about that. What’s the point to introduce a new concept? Yerterday I went down the rabbit hole to understand it. This morning I finally got the hang of it.
Kubernetes blog said it is an environment. It maybe a VM, a group of containers.
github, action-runner, argo-cd: my cicd pipelines
Usually I explain one of my CICD pipeline to others with words such like github action + argo-cd. I am not sure if they understand it. A picture is worth a thousand words. Here is my CICD pipeline picture.
I used excalidraw to draw the diagram. Excalidraw link is,gotb3rzXtE8ux810NoK18A. Feel free to use it.
How many years of experience do I have on aws services now?
Usually I tell others that I have about 5 years experience of aws services. Today I want to know more about how many years experience I have. I logged in my aws account and tried to find my account creation date. There is no such information in account page. I was so eager to find the information and searched for alternative way to get that information. The easiest way is good one, however I already deleted the email.
2023 SWOT Analysis
Once I read an article about how to apply SWOT Analysis for personal career and strategies to in career development. The article most likely is Personal SWOT Analysis as I read a lot of articles from
When I read the article, I also found several strategies how to convert my weakness to strengths. I finally converted one of my weakness — English to one of my strengths in the past 5 years by keeping learning and practicing English.
2023 resolution
Today it is Chinese New Year’s Eve of 2023. I like to make my new resolutions in Chinese New Year. Reflecting on the past year will help me to make better resolution. Even I made decision to learn and practice several things, however I didn’t write down last year. It was not helpful for me to make reflection based past experiences.
My resolution of 2022 were as following:
improve my English communication to fluent level.