Setup kind cluster using cilium cni in wsl2
Prologue One or two years ago, I tried several times to install kind cluster to using cilium cni. However I didn’t make it. Today I really want to setup one after reading an Kind cluster with Cilium and no kube-proxy and considering that major kubernetes distributions are using cilium cni now. After about 3 hours, I finally got it running successfully. Things don’t go smoothly. Here are my steps to setup it up.
How to permanently exclude localhost from HSTS list in Google Chrome
Stackoverflow give several ways to resolve localhost HSTS issue (redirect from http to https). My laptop is managed by my employer and registry can’t be edited. "How can I see which sites have set the HSTS flag in my edge browser?" in chatgpt give me an answers. One step of the answer get my attention. I can change HSTS in my application for development environment.
It is too late now.
Install sqlserver in wsl2 and ubuntu 22.04
I searched web, first several links in SERP are not the offical one from microsoft. I tried them and failed to install mssql due to errors Error: 'deb [arch=amd64 \ xenial \ stable' invalid] or Can’t install MS SQL Server on Ubuntu 21.10. At last I follow the instruction from microsoft. I successfully installed mssql server in my wsl+ubuntu22.04 environment.
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/microsoft-prod.
Should I use .netrc for git authentication
I used .netrc in several projects and I wrote something about that. I thought it is a convenient way for git until recently.
Recently I have a new laptop and want to setup my git credentials. This time, I noticed .netrc might not be secure as other applications that use cURL to make requests to servers defined in your .netrc file will also now be authenticated using these credentials.
Extract multiple fields at different levels of nesting json using chatgpt and jmespath
How do you extract multiple fields at different levels of nesting json resources? jsonpath, jq, jmespath or chatgpt?
In FHIR, bundle resource in json format usually have multiple level of details nested in json. It’s quite different from other use cases.
My first thought is using jsonpath as it is quite similar to FHIRPath. There are several limitations of jsonpath which make it infeasible.
It doesn’t support to the use case, even though JsonPath supports deep scan and Bracket-notated child or children.
Custom verbs or operations in REST API
Standard REST API has limited verbs if using http verbs. However in reality and many business contexts, they are not enough. In the past, many options are proposed. Today I found another option in FHIR. It might be helful to put them here for comparison.
Control data in request In stackoverflow What to do when you need more verbs in REST, cheeso gave the answer below. It is like the way json-rpc, not well-specified version.
Extract multiple field and values from a json file fetched once in powerquery
I learnt to extract npm package inform from on 2023-08-31. Today I have more packages. The original query need to be optimized for better performance.
In the old post, one can quickly spot that the package information is fetched twice. It is the place to optimize today. I will put selected fields into a column, and extract values from the column later. This way, It can spend less time.
mount configmap as volume with ini files
Today I spent about 1 hours in the task Deploy Lamp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster - Task. This task deepen my understanding of ini file handling and volume mounting with subpath. I think there are 2 tricky parts make the task interesting.
First, the similarity between --from-literal=variables_order=EGPCS and variables_order = "EGPCS" in php.ini make one try to create a configmap at first. However it is not the case. the actual volumemount will mount each key as a file
My journey to CKA and CKS
Today I got certified as Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS). It marks a milestone in my mastery of kubernetes after a long journey. It is a good time to reflect on lessons what I learnt.
My experiences with kubernetes from 2018. I have a habit of comparing other optiosn before making my decisions. Before 2018, I used vagrant and other configuration management tools (puppet, chef, ansible) to setup my lab environments.
Issues and corresponding solutions of dotnet razor
Seperate view dll issues Put views (cshtml) into the main web project
'RazorTargetAssemblyInfo.cs' could not be found GenerateAssemblyVersionAttribute is set to true : af file MyProject.RazorTargetAssemblyInfo.cs is generated
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework> <GenerateAssemblyVersionAttribute>true</GenerateAssemblyVersionAttribute> </PropertyGroup>
The namespace 'Razor' already contains a definition for 'Template'
Duplicate 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Hosting.RazorLanguageVersionAttribute' attribute How to decompile/extract(cshtml--(razor view)) from dll