SaaS, token bucket, fairness and business practices
I always thought SaaS are based shardig, load balance and multiple-tenant. In the past several days, I re-read Dynamo and DynamoDB papers to figure out some key info to share with my colleages to find a common ground about DynamoDB. One thing is mentioned many times in DynamoDB is token-bucket. Suddenly a thought popped out my mind when I walked back after lunch with my colleague that token-bucket algorithm should be a component of SaaS and multiple-tenant.
mindmap in hugo
I used mindmap in my logseq, however it show left to right side, the start node is always at the left side. I prefer to have the main concept shown in the center. Jsmind is the perfect fit after I saw its demos. Here is I create a shortcode in my hugo and try to create a demo mindmap using jsmind.
"\n{\n \"meta\":{\n \"name\":\"jsMind remote\",\n \"author\":\"\",\n \"version\":\"0.2\"\n },\n \"
Run athena and pyspark locally
Best practice or "aws configure" will put ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials in the 600 mode. however if you follow Developing using a Docker image, you will get several errors e.g. cant' find region, reach endpoints, or no access to resources.
I run docker command as a normal user, docker daemon run as root user. The below scripts will run a docker image which default user is glue_user (10000). the mounted volume ~/.
demo, run tikzjax from hugo
I tried to use tikz in my logseq. However it fails to render correctly. Today I have time to try it in my hugo sites. Here is a demo from
\begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) circle (1in); \end{tikzpicture} )
Tools hope to have for JsonSchema
When I was preparing a slides to recommend broad usage of JsonSchema, somethings I thought are good to have for general public usage. Those things troubled me for a while during I authored a JsonSchema.
Versioning Currently there is no standard way how to define a version for a schema. I might use a version property for that. SemVer is good fit for the version content schema. Use if and else for different version.
Data modeling of FHIR searchindices in AWS dynamoDB
Microsoft FHIR Server serialize searchindices this way in cosmosdb. How to model it in AWS DynamoDB?
{ "id": "9240cda7-bbb7-4ad4-aa9f-971750a3dc71", "searchIndices": [ { "p": "_id", "c": "9240cda7-bbb7-4ad4-aa9f-971750a3dc71" }, { "p": "_lastUpdated", "st": "2018-08-22T23:37:56.1289012+00:00", "et": "2018-08-22T23:37:56.1289012+00:00" }, { "p": "patient", "r": "Patient/example" }, { "p": "performer", "r": "Practitioner/example" }, { "p": "related", "r_0": "Observation/example-genetics-1", "s_1": "", "c_1": "derived-from" }, { "p": "related-target", "r": "Observation/example-genetics-1" }, { "p": "related-type", "s": "", "c": "derived-from" }, { "p": "status", "s": "http://hl7.
2 jsonschema tricks
Background I worked on APIs and OpenAPI Spec (OAS) in past projects, even I used stoplight and NLP for open-source API style guide enforce and linting. I thought I was quite good at jsonschema. I dont’k think so after recent usage of jsonschema for a very aspnet flexible configuration file.
Configurations in dotnet are quite straight forwards if all the configurations following the Options pattern. ConfigurationProcessor is not that case.
Using copilot for javascript debugging
Yesterday, I clicked a button in one web page, no response from that. I thought it must be something wrong. I opened browser console and noticed there is an icon. It turned out be a copilot icon after reading the logs in console.
Nowadays, copilot almost is everywhere, office suite, vscode, visual studio, windows and edge browser. Never thought it is embedded in browse web console.
Setup kind cluster using cilium cni in wsl2
Prologue One or two years ago, I tried several times to install kind cluster to using cilium cni. However I didn’t make it. Today I really want to setup one after reading an Kind cluster with Cilium and no kube-proxy and considering that major kubernetes distributions are using cilium cni now. After about 3 hours, I finally got it running successfully. Things don’t go smoothly. Here are my steps to setup it up.
How to permanently exclude localhost from HSTS list in Google Chrome
Stackoverflow give several ways to resolve localhost HSTS issue (redirect from http to https). My laptop is managed by my employer and registry can’t be edited. "How can I see which sites have set the HSTS flag in my edge browser?" in chatgpt give me an answers. One step of the answer get my attention. I can change HSTS in my application for development environment.
It is too late now.