Exposing TCP and UDP services in nginx ingress
Add command line flags in ingress controller: --tcp-services-configmap
Create configmap apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: tcp-services namespace: ingress-nginx data: 5432: "default/postgres:5432" Patch the ingress-nginx-controller to allow port 5432 spec: template: spec: containers: - name: controller ports: - containerPort: 6379 hostPort: 6379 Add inbound rule to security group of node groups Reference: https://minikube.
Stock Grey market dynamic
Here are the grey market dynamics trading kuaishou in futu and first day in stock. Don’t be gready. Most likely the professional/instutional traders in grey market outsmart you, they don’t leave profit margin for you considering the dynamic in first day trading.
nginx ingress and SPA sites
Several months ago, I resolved the issue "404 Error on refresh with SPA" by using nginx try_files directive, this time it was quite different as the apps were deployed into kubernetes. I tried and /$1. To avoid to block others to others to use staging environment, I setup an skaffold local development environment to troubeshooting the issue. I tried following annotation as well. | try_files $uri $uri/ /index.
vega in hugo
var spec = 'https:\/\/\/vega\/vega\/master\/docs\/examples\/'; vegaEmbed('#viz', spec).then(function(result) { }).catch(console.error);
echarts in hugo
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echarts400')); var option = JSON.parse("\n {\n \"textStyle\":{\n \"color\":\"#fff\"\n },\n \"title\":{\n \"text\":\"2018年11月国内浏览器数据统计\",\n \"subtext\":\"浏览器数据分析\",\n \"x\":\"center\",\n \"textStyle\":{\n \"color\":\"#FFffFf\"\n }\n },\n \"tooltip\":{\n \"trigger\":\"item\",\n \"formatter\":\"{a} \u003cbr/\u003e{b} : {c} ({d}%)\"\n },\n \"legend\":{\n \"type\":\"scroll\",\n \"orient\":\"vertical\",\n \"right\":10,\n \"top\":120,\n \"bottom\":20,\n \"data\":[\n \"Chrome\",\n \"IE 9.0\",\n \"IE 11.0\",\n \"QQ\",\n \"IE 8.0\",\n \"2345\",\n \"搜狗高速\",\n \"Firefox\",\n \"Safari\",\n \"其他\"\n ],\n \"textStyle\":{\n \"color\":\"#fff\"\n }\n },\n \"series\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"浏览器用户比例\",\n \"type\":\"pie\",\n \"radius\":\"55%\",\n \"center\":[\n \"50%\",\n \"60%\"\n ],\n \"data\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"Chrome\",\n \"value\":46.88\n },\n {\n \"
log to stdin of a pod in nested shells
During practicing the lifecycle handlers of pod, I found it is quite difficult to get the logs logged from preStop handlers. Initially I thought terminationMessagePath maybe is the answer, but no such luck. The preStop handler will be run before the pod is deleted. After deleted, there is no way to get the logs unless those logs are kept in other place such as central log servers etc. Those settings are way complex for a simple practice and time-consuming.
vscode debug python containers running kubernetes via attachment
python-guestbook at is used to practice debug python containers in kubernetes.
Google cloud python code vscode plugin 1.7.0 failed to run python on kubernetes or there is no obvious way to do that as depicted in the below pic. Steps to make it:
skaffold debug Import ptvsd in the python file to debug, add breakout() before the line to debug
Jetbrain debug containers in kubernetes
I can’t debug the dockerdev app following the steps in, even after I cloned its source code
I read several articles before I tried the aboved one. The successful debug after several trial and errors. I added skaffold.yaml to the project and installed Cloud Code. skaffold.yaml can be found at Other jetbrain configuration can be seen in the below pictures.
cloud code is a very good tool.
a new way to anti scrapping
I loved to read novels. Recently I found that several sites show some garbed characters in square boxes. I went to the original site qidian and those chacters are shown correctly in the orignal site. After little investigation, I found the following information;
In above pics, 了’s HTML entity code is , it is not as 天.
How does chrome show the characters correctly?
Setup kubeflow pipeline on local KIND cluster
# # env/platform-agnostic-pns hasn't been publically released, so we install from master temporarily export PIPELINE_VERSION=1.0.1 kubectl apply -k "$PIPELINE_VERSION" kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout=60s crd/ kubectl apply -k "$PIPELINE_VERSION" # expose gui kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow --address svc/ml-pipeline-ui 8080:80