argo-workflow: secrets for git
I needed to clone one of my private repositories in one workflow of argo-workflows. I did’t figure a way to mount git artifact into a shared volume at that time. I sought to other options and find and
The comment gives an example to add user name and password into https url. Upon I checked the logs, I found that user and password are shown in the logs of a workflow.
Argo-event filters: expr filter in action
Today I found my argo-events sensor executed triggers which I was not intended to. In the logs, I found that ref fields of those non-intended triggers all started with "refs/heads/dev". I checked again with document and found this surprising truth:
If data type is string, you can pass either an exact value or a regex. In any case that value will be evaluated as a regex. Considing my following data filter, no wonder it triggers more than I expected.
Workaround the limitation of authorization header of webhook in argo-events
Webhook of argo-events supports authentication, however the field is fixed in header. If your callers don’t do that way, you are screwed. Recently days, I was trying to integrate gitee with argo-workflow and argo-events. I hit the wall here.
TOKEN="Bearer af3qqs321f2ddwf1e2e67dfda3fs" curl -X POST -H "Authorization: $TOKEN" -d "{your data}" http://xxxxx:12000/example I kept reading the documents for serveral days and the knowledge sinked in, I got the idea that filters maybe can be used for that as a workaround solution.
Setup bluetooth mouses in mac air with three not-existing devices
I heard from my colleagues that MacAir M1 is picky about mice and you can find many threads in reddit about this if you use the keywords "reddit mac air m1 mouse issues bluetooth" to search. Today is my lucky day, I encountered the issue too.
This morning, I brought my Mac Air to office and used the mouse of company. The bluethooth kept spinning and the mouse can’t connect.
Setup dapr on AWS and calico
Low resource usage Our system had low resource usage, however my several pods got stucked in ContainerCreating state. Kubernetes events show that "add cmd: failed to assign an IP address to container". "kubectl top nodes" still shows the usage of resources still low.
jackl@LAPTOP-IIHUF2DR:~$ k --context top nodes NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY% ip-192-168-102-109.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal 143m 7% 3217Mi 45% ip-192-168-110-171.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal 117m 6% 2892Mi 41% Migrate to calico Recreate cluster without nodegroups
Argo-workflows: Generate dynamic json list
The journey I worked on a dapr microservice project which need to read a list from a file and do some useful things. Argo-workflow supports loop over a list of items, however one of my steps always got "invalid character 'G' looking for beginning of value" before going to next step in the workflow template. The step is as following:
- name: get-deps inputs: parameters: - name: changes script: image: ubuntu:latest command: [bash] #args: ["echo result was: {{inputs.
Rich link preview and IM apps
Two days ago, I have a fun journey to find more about rich link preview features in social media, web apps and IM apps.
The journey began with that the shared link of one of my company sites in skype was shown without pictures, just a plain link. Searching the feature of skype "link preview", I found I knew what missed in the homepage as in the following list.
My blogging journey
Usually I don’t want to blog about something, espicially I don’t contribute some original things to internet. Of couse, there are other reasons as well.
There were many reasons which stopped me in the past to writing. One was that my vocabulary was limited. I started my blogging actitivies back to 2004. At that time, my vocabulary was limited, I think the size of my vocabulary was in the range from 6000-7000 and most words were memorized in isolated way.
Why I migrate my blog from Jekyll to Hugo
I wrote my blogs using Jekyll at this domain almost two years occasionally from 2018 until 2020. I didn’t think to move to Hugo before it was used in one of my company project. After two or three weeks since the project kicked off, I had a thought why not move to Hugo considering several benefits.
For the uninitiated, Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators.
A strange issue of kubernetes: New pod kept in CrashloopBackOff in newly joined node.
Today I encountered a strange issue with one kubernete cluster. Newly created pods are not created on a newly joined node. There is no errors in logs of pods and the node, events of kubernete. All seems normal. I created a simple nginx pod with nodeName as the problematic node. The pod can be scheduled and created in the node. However the pod was kept in CrashloopBackOff state. There is definitely something wrong with server.