Curl elk in pods to delete indices
Today my staging kibana didn’t show logs. I made the decision to work out a solution to solve issue in hard way this time. I don’t want me in the same situation without solutoins.
When things go wrong, you can’t login kibana to do management or maintainance works. The left option is managing the data from the command line. In the past I figured out to use curl cli in pod to get some information of elk.
same device mounted on differences mount points
As in my previous article, I gave the following information of my pod. I still have some time before bed, I couldn’t help to seek the reason of that.
/usr/share/nginx/html # df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on overlay 80.0G 34.5G 45.5G 43% / tmpfs 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /dev tmpfs 3.7G 0 3.7G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/nvme0n1p1 80.0G 34.5G 45.5G 43% /dev/termination-log /dev/nvme0n1p1 80.0G 34.5G 45.5G 43% /etc/resolv.
Resize Pod volumes in eks
I did resize volume of kubernetes in the past, however I encountered an interesting issue when I did the resizing in different way.
According to doc, I should only change the requested size in pvc. Today I changed the size of pv first, then pvc. Here was the interesting thing: all things of pv and pvc are fine, but the size of the file system in pod was not changed.
Get back my missed keypair of EKS
Today I needed to scale one of my kubernetes clusterss. Those keys are not in my new laptop since I used Mac Air M1. I didn’t see the increase of nodes several minutes after I run the eksctl scale command. I logged into aws console and found there were several "Failed" messages in activity history of the autoscaling group. All the failed messages shown "Launching a new EC2 instance. Status Reason: The aaaa-nodegroup-ng-1-67:8e:b8:8e:33:83:93:68 key pair does not exist.
Istio Envoy passthrough goes wrong when port 80 are used for SMTP protocol instead of standard ports
I wrote this on September 7, 2021 and published it on linkedin. However I found that it can be hard to search if I put there. so I put here anoter copy
TLDR: if your external SMTP is using port 80 instead of standard ports in an istio mesh, create a Service Entry for the external SMTP.
These two days, a strange timeout issue happened in one of our kubernetes clusters when trying to send emails via SMTP even though the same configuration works perfectly on our development machines.
Kubernetes and immutable infrastructure: docker image digest and image labels
Summary: use digest as the way to refer to docker images in kubernetes resources, put commit id in image labels.
An idempotency and immutable infrastructure has a slew of benefits. I am a firm believer of it and I did my best to keep several projects in that way. In the past few weeks, I helped one friend to resolve system structure, performance issue and development experience of one of his projects.
projected volumes in argo-workflow
Yesterday I added gitconfig volume and mounted to /root. However today the logs of the workflow shows netrc is mounted to /root as well. They are conflicted. Kubernetes supports projected volume which supports following types. my netrc and gitconfig are in the list.
I made the small tweak to hello world sample workflow. Here is the my demo workflow with projected volumes.
First trial mermaid Diagrams in hugo
Since I read the textual UML in the 2015 techradar, I am a big fan of it. I used plantuml in my technical writing in Asia Fusion Technology. Later I found asciidoc, and I wanted to combine the two together. I regularly read techradar from thoughtworks and found mermaidjs in NOV 2018 techradar. However it was little hard to integrate that into my site at that time. Today I knew Hugo supports Mermaid Diagrams easily.
docker buildx multi-context, multi-platform, multi-stage and secrets in action
Prologue Today I migrated several golang projects to golang 1.18. I had several hiccups today. Let’s called docker buildx multi-context, multi-platform, multi-stage and secrets in action.
Multi-platform I started to look into one iOS and android app of our projects one week ago, and started to use Mac Air M1. Mac Air M1 is arm64 based, however our production environment is amd64 based. I had to do some changes to make the images built on my or my colleagues' machine can be runnable in production environment.
Reflection on implementation of CICD using argo-workflows
I had some projects on github, gitlab and gitee. Their CI pipelines are quite different. To save the troubles and times, it is a natural choice to seek other options to unify on one solution.
At first, I looked into jenkins x. However it is quite heavy and with opinions. Considering its Maturity Level Matrix, I am not sure I can make it happen in my limited after hours times.