Kubernetes and immutable infrastructure: docker image digest and image labels
- 2 minutes read - 299 wordsSummary: use digest as the way to refer to docker images in kubernetes resources, put commit id in image labels.
An idempotency and immutable infrastructure has a slew of benefits. I am a firm believer of it and I did my best to keep several projects in that way. In the past few weeks, I helped one friend to resolve system structure, performance issue and development experience of one of his projects. The first thing caught my attention when I read the code is that the deployment script always tags the latest images as '1.0.0'. After several builds, I could find that there were several images in the same repository are tagged <none> and the new ones was tagged as "1.0.0". That practice doesn’t follow the immutable infrastructure principle, I wanted to do it in a better way.
In the past, I used commit id as tag in my images, and I put the image tags into kustomization files. This time, I had a second thought if there is a better way after two years passed. Took a close look at the general form of "docker run" command, there are two ways to refer a specific image: tag and digest. Tag can point to any digest and it can be changed. This tag mutability can cause some issues .
non-deterministic deployment
Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU)
Apparently commit id as tag has those issues. I should use image digests in my kubernetes resources. There still is one issue I want to address-How to put the commit id into images to help later troubleshooting or locating the commit. The solution is as following:
docker build --build-arg GIT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
LABEL git-commit=$GIT_COMMIT