First trial mermaid Diagrams in hugo
- 1 minutes read - 144 wordsSince I read the textual UML in the 2015 techradar, I am a big fan of it. I used plantuml in my technical writing in Asia Fusion Technology. Later I found asciidoc, and I wanted to combine the two together. I regularly read techradar from thoughtworks and found mermaidjs in NOV 2018 techradar. However it was little hard to integrate that into my site at that time. Today I knew Hugo supports Mermaid Diagrams easily. I made some tweaks to my docker image jackliusr/hugo-builder to support that. Now it is time to give it a go. This is my first trial mermaid diagrams in hugo. Hope it work.
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!