Reflection on the usage of bazel
- 3 minutes read - 466 wordsTLDR:
Bazel is definitely worth to use on your projects even though it has minimum supports of some languages such as C#.
Before I was interested in bazel, I always thought why bother to learn a new building system even I knew that kubernetes once was built with bazel. 4 months ago, I was involved in a micro service structured project. I was dissatisfied with dev workflow using skaffold and I looked other options in the market. Then I found tilt. Maybe the usage of tilt in kubernetes Cluster API project weight in my choice to tilt when I found that tilt is used in dev workflow in kubernetes cluster API project.
Begin to use Tilt
Tilt has following features. The good parts I liked most are docker-compose and Starlark supports beside kubernetes. You can write Starlark scripts to your workflow and it will make life easier. My initial local dev environment is based on docker-compose and Tilt seems is the perfect fit. I spent 2 days set up my tilt environment. The impression of tilt is a wow moment. I never thought that container based development can’t be this way. This experiences made me thought that it maybe is about time to dig deeper to learn Starlark and bazel.
Very Holistic
Orderly Orchestration
Magic UI
Code in Flow
Faster Workflow
Built-In Best Practices
Painless Onboarding
Quantified Dev Experie
Begin to use Starlark and bazel
Starlark is a dialect of Python. I used python for my data processing, data mining and machine learning projects, I quickly picked up the language and started to use startlark to practice bazel.
Starlark (formerly known as Skylark) is a language intended for use as a configuration language. It was designed for the Bazel build system.
I used bazel on following projects and learned a thing or two.
- docker_compose, envoy
- golang and grpc
- java,golang,python, nodejs, c#
company private project: golang, javascript, nodejs, vue
Cost and benefit analysis
Cost: 1-2 man-day. Maybe cost more depending on the size of projects.
Time saving: 40% decrease on the build time the total benefits will be multiplied with the number of your engineers and the lifetime of the projects. The time saving is substantial.
Cost of building machines: Reduce the usage time of machines. It can be translated to reduce costs if those building machines are on-demard cloud resources.
Morale: Fast feedback loop makes engineers happy. In turn they are in good mode.
Productivity: Fast feedback loop, make engineers most times in the flow state and get more things done.
Confidency with test coverage.
Epilogue: Is it Worth it All?
I will say it worth it considering the experience I using bazel, the cost and benefits. You can find the same conclusion here from grab